
Left: A or left arrow

Right; D or right arrow

Jump: Space

Attack: Left mouse button

Dash: Left Shift


Goblin: Attack is a knife, shorter range. Lower health. Gimmick: has shield so cant consistently attack from the front, must jump over to get behind.

Bomber: Attack is a bomb thrown from range, higher health, Gimmick: runs away from the hero and throws the bomb toward the hero.

This is my first ever game that I've made on my own. It involves the rolling of a set of Die to make decide the outcome of the game. It decides what enemies spawn, how many enemies, and the damage of the enemies. It also can decide what path you get to go on throughout the dungeon. 

I would've wished to had more time to complete but given this is my first ever game jam I did not know how little 48 hours truly is, because of that not all paths are completed and you may run into a dead end at some point, there is no continuation from that point and I apologise, if this game gets enough traction I may decide to continue but I aprreciate anyone who plays. All feedback is welcome as I am a new developer, nothing will be too harsh :).

All game assets were precreated not by me, links to all assets:

Tiles and characters:


All Programming done by me:)


Just realised my health bar doesn't show up on screen, this is probably due to me not recognising the resolution of Web builds so it's out of the frame, I apologise for this, I have fixed it in the current build but as for the game jam it looks like you only get to see a dash bar.

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